Thursday, January 26, 2012


Immortal Hala cells, it’s the human body is that we composed primary of germs.  I am never aware of this history before reading HeLa’s book. Gey who is Hela’s doctor. He didn’t tell her family about he do some researches about HeLa. As I know, a patient should know doctors do some research from them. Even though, some people inability to understand.

 In my country, doctors can’t do some research without tell their practice. Doctors must tell their practice what happen after they agree the informed consent. If they don’t tell them, their practice can accuse them. If doctors research make their practice die without tell them. It can take doctors to a jail and cancel their license.

 Today in the U.S doctors and researchers could not do any bad things with their practices, because there are some laws about it. At that time, there hadn’t have laws about this. Many doctors did research without tell them. Like HeLa, and john Moore. This is very cruel for patients. Today, we strengthen the medical equipment, and strengthen laws for medical research. I think we don’t have doctors like Gey. We are more saving now.


  1. Immortal Hala..?
    Good information about your country.
    "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" book is pretty interesting.
    I didn't quiet understand the last paragraph :(

  2. I also wasn't aware of this history before reading the book. i haven't even thought about research without consent before reading this book.
    I think most countries have some laws about the doctor's research. so, doctors can't research without consent today.
    if anyone ask you they need your cells for their research or your cells could help other people, what would you do?? are you going to donate your cells for them?
